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Messages from Across the Veil: Understanding Spirit Communication and Healing

Writer: Heather PruettHeather Pruett

Discover how spirit messages from across the veil, energetic transitions, and intuitive readings can bring clarity, closure, and healing to your life.

Welcome to Radiant Spirits Rising! Today, we’re diving into a powerful and deeply personal topic—Messages from Across the Veil. Spirit communication offers reassurance, closure, and guidance, but understanding how to receive and interpret these messages is essential.

Two women in profile facing each other, draped in sheer veils. The background is dark and ethereal, creating a mirrored, mysterious mood.

Setting an Intention for Spiritual Connection

Before opening ourselves to messages from the spirit realm, it’s crucial to set an intention. Begin by taking deep breaths and visualizing your heart space. Imagine it glowing in a color that resonates with you. Allow this energy to expand through your chakras, from your crown to your root, preparing yourself to receive messages through your intuition and releasing any belief systems that may be blocking this connection.

Are They Okay? Understanding the Transition Process

One of the most common questions in readings is: Is my loved one okay? Many people subconsciously ask if their loved one has made it to heaven or fear they may be stuck in hell. The truth is, spirits transition through a process known as the death door, which they must pass through within ten days of physical death. If they do not, they may become wayward spirits—often out of fear, confusion, or unfinished business.

However, there is no heaven or hell as traditionally taught. Instead, spirits return to the vibrational plane aligned with their soul family. If a loved one hasn’t fully transitioned, spirit workers can help guide them through this process, ensuring they move forward peacefully.

Are You Living According to Their Wishes?

Another frequent question in readings is: Am I honoring my loved one’s wishes? The reality is that once spirits transition, their earthly expectations often shift. They no longer hold onto the rigid expectations they had in life and instead want you to make choices that support your own healing and growth. If you’re burdened by fulfilling their last wishes, remember that their perspective from beyond the veil is vastly different from what it was in life.

Letting Go of Guilt and Emotional Attachments

Holding onto guilt, whether over how a loved one passed or the choices made afterward, can be deeply damaging. Many spirits share that when they passed, they were given a life review, allowing them to see their impact and experiences with newfound clarity. If they could speak directly to you, they would tell you to release any guilt or blame and to focus on healing.

Similarly, physical belongings should not be hoarded out of obligation. Spirits are no longer attached to their possessions in the same way they were in life. If certain items bring you comfort, keep them—but don’t feel pressured to hold onto everything. Decluttering not only releases material weight but also frees up emotional and energetic space.

How Spirits Communicate and Send Signs

Many people wonder if their loved ones are still with them. The answer is yes! Once a spirit has transitioned, they can visit, send messages, and offer guidance. Signs include:

  • Songs on the radio—A song that reminds you of them might play at just the right moment.

  • Butterflies or animals—Symbolic creatures appearing frequently.

  • Change from ‘heaven’—Finding pennies, dimes, or quarters in unexpected places.

  • Dreams—Vivid visitations in dreams where you feel their presence.

  • Synchronized events—Seeing repeating numbers, specific words, or phrases they used.

Spirits work hard to get our attention, but if we’re closed off or distracted, we might miss their messages. The more open you are, the more you will recognize their presence.

The Importance of Energy Cord Cutting

Grief can create energetic cords that tie us too tightly to our loved ones, preventing both us and them from moving forward. Holding onto a spirit too tightly—whether through unresolved emotions or unwillingness to let go—can affect your health, energy, and ability to heal. Cutting energetic cords does not sever your connection; it simply allows for a healthier, more fluid relationship with the spirit world.

How Intuitive Readings Can Help

If you seek deeper connection, an intuitive reading can offer clarity and confirmation. Readings vary and can include:

  • Psychic Medium Readings – Direct communication with a loved one who has passed.

  • Divine Timing Readings – Guidance on what’s unfolding in your life.

  • Oracle Card Readings – Spiritual insights and direction.

  • Pendulum Readings – Yes/no answers to specific questions.

  • Animal Spirit Readings – Understanding your pet’s emotions and past life connections.

Every reading is unique, and while no medium can predict specific timing, these sessions provide valuable insights, healing, and peace of mind.

Final Thoughts: Embracing Healing and Growth

The key takeaway from today’s discussion is that our loved ones want us to heal, grow, and move forward. Release the fear, let go of guilt, and open yourself to the messages they send. Trust that they are with you, cheering you on from the other side.

If you’re ready to explore deeper spiritual connections, book an intuitive reading with me at You are not alone—your loved ones are always near, guiding and supporting you from across the veil.


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